Fuel Ox LLC Introduces Fuel Ox Infinity Lube™ Enhanced with Patented Metal Conditioner that Improves and Sustains Equipment Performance and Efficiency

Fuel Ox LLC Introduces Fuel Ox Infinity Lube™ Enhanced with Patented Metal Conditioner that Improves and Sustains Equipment Performance and Efficiency

Fuel Ox LLC, a maker of next-generation fuel additives that improve truck, boat and heavy equipment operating efficiency and reduce their environmental impact, today unveiled a breakthrough solution to maximize equipment performance and sustainability with the launch of Fuel Ox Infinity Lube™.
5 meilleurs additifs pour le carburant de votre moteur de bateau (Avis mis à jour 2020)
Sailing Stream

5 meilleurs additifs pour le carburant de votre moteur de bateau (Avis mis à jour 2020)

L’entretien d’un moteur de bateau est une partie importante du bon fonctionnement d’un bateau. Des contrôles et des services réguliers empêchent le moteur de se gripper ou de se casser, ce qui entraîne des réparations potentiellement coûteuses et chronophages. Les additifs de carburant pour moteurs de bateaux aident à maintenir un moteur sain et en bon état de marche en fournissant certains produits chimiques dont le moteur a besoin.
Hot Stuff & Cool Services – August/September 2020
Land Line

Hot Stuff & Cool Services – August/September 2020

Solving Emission Systems Headaches in Waste Truck Fleets
Waste Advantage Magazine

Solving Emission Systems Headaches in Waste Truck Fleets

Using a fuel additive enhanced with a combustion catalyst can help optimize fuel efficiency, while greatly reducing soot and emissions as well as the re-gens, repairs and other headaches that come with maintaining hard-working trucks and equipment.
Fuel For Thought
Additive Boosts Mining Equipment Performance

Fuel For Thought

Affordable Fuels Launches Simeon Fuel
Fuel Oil News

Affordable Fuels Launches Simeon Fuel

Affordable Fuels, a full-service fuel distributor in Middleburg, Pennsylvania, is marketing its own brand, Simeon Fuel, treated with an additive called The Fuel Ox. The Simeon Fuel brand includes diesel, gasoline and heating oil, which Affordable Fuels delivers to customers throughout Central Pennsylvania. The fuel dealer is incorporating the additive into its products as a new ultra-low sulfur diesel standard is due to take effect in Pennsylvania, combined with increasingly rigid engine standards on performance and efficiency, said Arden Steiner, president of Affordable Fuels.
Field test fuel efficiency with Fuel OX combustion catalyst
Mining Review Africa

Field test fuel efficiency with Fuel OX combustion catalyst

Mining businesses invest significantly in rock haulers, excavators, slurry pumps and other heavy equipment, and the fuel and maintenance costs for that machinery can pile up quickly while chipping away at the bottom line.
Single-shot additive boosts fuel efficiency, cuts soot and GHGs

Single-shot additive boosts fuel efficiency, cuts soot and GHGs

By adding a 3 oz. bottle of Fuel Ox OTR fuel additive to the tank during a fill-up, truckers can improve fuel efficiency by 4 to 8% while lowering diesel particulate filer regenerations by two/thirds.

More information & pricing

For more information and pricing on cases, drums, totes, and master cartons, please click the “CONTACT US” on the right and fill out our brief form. An ISG representative will reach out to you in one business day.

OR CALL US AT 1.844.8.FUELOX (1.844.838.3569)
Or EMAIL US AT info@fuelox.com

looking to buy in smaller quantities?

Head over to FUELOX.com to purchase our products in individual bottles by clicking “BUY NOW”